Career Assessment Test’s

Tools for more Meaningful career conversation….!!

Create Career reference map based on your career matching score and recommended careers in career options.
Our Assessment test is highly advanced & our guidance report is a guide for self-discovery, a facilitator tool for the students, parents, and professionals to understand individual strengths & weaknesses & to decide the best for themselves..


Take your career to Next level!

Get aligned, be authentic towards yourself & get very clear about who you are.
Career development is not linear, It’s a multidimensional, strategical, informed mindful act.
Your next career move takes lots of discussions, perspective & effort to fit into the world of work.


 We offer comprehensive career assessment test’s-


career Alignment test

A tool to choose right career path & top career options based on your interest skill, aptitude & persona, Skill gap & learning interventions ,right career fitment with full career switch guidance & intervention to up skill.

Our career guidance tool illustrates a personal career profile & right career fitment based upon career personality & career compatibility with your authentic self with the scope of filling the required skill gaps.

competency assessment test

Our Competency Assessment Test is a tool to level up & take a leap in your career path or to switch it to another level in an aligned manner.

Competency assessment is done in terms of corporate readiness, your fitment as a student or a graduate for a particular subject, field, job, or terms of core competencies required or prescribed by any particular institution, position, or field.

candidate assessment test

AI-powered Assessments Tools for smart employers for candidate selection & placements.Tools to select the right & efficient manpower as per the need.

Our services & product tools help in the pre-screening of candidates & finding out the best-suited candidates by assessing both functional & domain expertise.Helps Corporates to select the right candidate.

Facilitators Tool for career conversation





“We believe in helping an individual to evaluate self & the world of work to aspire to the aligned goal by taking desired steps.”


Every individual deserves individualized support & guidance at every step of their career crossroad to achieve a fulfilling career

STUDY            ABROAD

“You DREAM…! & we are determined to help your abilities & potential to reach the International stage.”

It’s Time to take ownership over your Career.!

 We help craft a fulfilling future by conducting Career Assessments, Guidance, Counseling & Mentoring through our online portal for ease of access.We inspire individuals to take ownership of their own careers by removing guesswork, as there is no shortcut to a “FULFILLING CAREER.


01: know the process

02 : Take the test

03: know about yourself

04: know your best matched careers

05: Learn fill the gaps & get aligned

06: Find your fulfilling career.




 It’s more than just getting a job, we help individuals to evaluate themselves & the world of work.

A wrong career choice can lead to lifelong regret if one ends up selecting streams & careers not matching with the personality, skills & interests of an individual.
The career decision has to be based upon the right career analysis & the Viability of the career in the future especially considering the fast-changing market dynamics. Our approach is to understand students’ potential, strengths, and skill gaps, address those skill gaps, and path to pursue the recommended career. 
Our Assessment test is highly advanced & our guidance report is a guide for self-discovery, a facilitator tool for the students, parents, and professionals to understand individual strengths & weaknesses & to decide the best for themselves.
Take Test

It’s important to find out Who you Are ,to get Aligned!!.



Let’s get started!


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